
Daily photo blog, reviews, photography tips, gear buying guides, and more.

Established in June of 2010, Edison is a blog focusing on the world of photography. We partner with some of the best vendors in the photography space to provide you with informative gear, tools, and other products you might need to succeed. If you like our content, don’t forget to subscribe at the bottom of the page.

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Sales & Trading Recruiting : FAQ

We often get a list of questions asked, that we feel makes sense to simply write a post with questions frequently asked. Obviously, the list changes, so this page will be updated frequently. Do I need to major in finance? No. If you speak to people, I’d say 50% + did not major in finance.…

Retro Cameras

Retro cameras don’t have to be fifty years old. With current technology, you can pack a lot of cutting-edge sensor and processing technology in an old school body. Many retro cameras come with metal dials and textured grips for that vintage feel. Even the inbuilt touchscreens don’t detract from the elegant designs. Perfect for those…

Street Photography Tips

The street is where life happens in its most raw, unscripted, and unexpected beauty. Not only the diversity of people, but also their interactions with architecture, machines and each other. It’s the reason why the streets are one of the most interesting and rewarding locations to practice photography. You’ll want to make sure you bring…

How to Find the Right Camera

There are many factors to consider when choosing a camera. For now, let’s forget about all the specifications and features available. Ask yourself the following questions: How will I be using a camera, and how often? What do I want to achieve? Which add-ons and accessories does the manufacturer offer? Budget is another important factor,…


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